Potential Occupation Related to Sports Medicine

I’ve always been interested in people’s injuries, especially since my mother is a medical-malpractice lawyer. There were times when I would come downstairs and sneak into her office to see the pictures that were laid out on her desk of the mistakes that doctors had made. On rare occasions, she was called upon to investigate cases of athletes who’s team physicians had not properly treated their injuries, and had permanent damage as a result. I think I would like to be a defense attorney when I grow up, and although it’s not exactly the same this as a medical-malpractice lawyer, I’m interested in all different types of law.

Medical-malpractice lawyers and personal-injury attorneys have to investigate all aspects of their cases. They also have to ensure that they are helping their clients move on with their lives and achieve the best possible result. These investigation require them to have knowledge of anatomic structures, and how trauma impacts the body. I think it would be interesting to have to combine knowledge of both medicine and the human body with law. I would also really like to help people move on with their lives.

In order to pursue this career, I would need to go to college and then apply to and attend law school. After law school, I would need to sit in on some cases in court and hopefully get hired by a law firm, where I would learn more procedure and tactics. I would also need to further my knowledge of anatomy and injuries, because this job requires both fields to be combined. If I didn’t go to a law firm, I would probably need to find a more experienced lawyer who could help me learn the things about law that aren’t covered in law school and to further develop my knowledge and perception of law. Personal injury lawyers often have a bad reputation, but if I were to be one I would make sure that I was always honest and only represent people who had actually been injured and who needed their life back. th th-1

2 thoughts on “Potential Occupation Related to Sports Medicine

  1. Hey Haley! This is a great blog post and I really enjoyed learning about what a Medical-malpractice lawyer is. I really like how you stuck with your interest in law when considering sports medicine career opportunities. I also like how you included your personal experiences with your mom as a Medical-malpractice lawyer in justifying your decision for this career. One thing that I think would help to improve this post is if you were more creative with the media that you included to make it a little bit more interesting (maybe more pictures throughout or some hyperlinks). But over all I think this is a great post!
    -Nicole Bryant


  2. Hi Hayley!
    I really enjoyed reading your post about Medical-malpractice lawyers and personal-injury attorneys. It was very well-thought out and the layout made me keep wanting to read more. You answered most questions that I would have had about the occupation because it was so detailed. My favorite part was when you talked about how your mom influenced your interest in the field when you were little, and how you have always wanted to pursue a career related to hers. What is your favorite aspect of pursuing a career in law? I really look forward to reading more on your blog!


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